How to turn the new Mac mini on/off.
This is not a joke. I repeat, I’m not joking
@lain Do you leave your computer powered on 24/7???
@feld @lain @Datenegassie
Anyway, a Mac mini consumes about 1 watt of power in sleep mode. Not so much.
Edit: The question is whether we can afford to waste energy? In Germany, an average household consumes around ca. 360 kWh a year just for standby appliances.
But I have to admit that I almost always switch my notebook to sleep mode too. @nikitonsky
@leobm @feld @lain @Datenegassie @nikitonsky Taking that value as an example, it would mean that your home is drawing a bit under 50W continuously for electronics in standby mode. A Mac mini drawing 0.5W (this is the actual specs of the device, turning it off reduces this to 0.1W) in sleep mode isn't going to impact that. Multiplying the other way, the yearly power draw of a Mac Mini always on in sleep mode is approximately 4.4kWh / year.
@dotstdy @leobm @feld @lain @Datenegassie @nikitonsky
I turn multiple PCs and Laptops on and off multiple times a day.
@dotstdy @leobm @feld @lain @Datenegassie @nikitonsky
Because I don't use them in that time. The question is why I should keep something running when I am not using it. The "lost time" for startup is negligible with a modern system.
@dotstdy @leobm @feld @lain @Datenegassie @nikitonsky
I am feeling I am coming off too apodictic. When I am working three hours, and have a pause, and am certain I will continue work, I am leaving it on.
I just could not stand the "I never turn it off, Apple is right"-sentiment that was building here.
@feld The annual electricity consumption of standby appliances in Germany is estimated at over approx. 10 TWh. That's around 4,340,000 tonnes of CO2, if you calculate with 434 g CO2/kWh. Ok, we already generate a large proportion of our electricity from renewable energy sources (But, the average CO2 emissions for grid electricity in Germany are now estimated 326 g CO2/kWh, due to renewables), but that leaves quite a chunk left over. And electricity consumption is still on the rise.
@SlicerDicer @feld Couldn't it also have something to do with the fact that less and less energy is needed because the production of goods has shifted more and more to Asia in recent decades? A similar deindustrialization can also be observed in Germany.
@SlicerDicer @feld I hadn't expressed myself clearly before, it was more about the consumption that is expected. Due to the increasing electrification in the transport and heating sectors, etc., the demand for electricity is estimated to continue to rise, that's what I actually wanted to say.
@SlicerDicer @feld Lately I've also been reading more and more articles expecting higher power consumption in data centers worldwide due to the AI trend, but I don't know if that's true.
Besides, it may be "good" that there is a flattening of electricity demand in the USA or Europe, but worldwide energy consumption is still rising.
„Global electricity consumption in selected years from 1980 to 2022 in TWh“