Nothing to see here, dear #histodons , except a human skeleton (with a hat and a feather) riding a #unicorn skeleton that is positioned next to two other animal skeletons (of a bear? and a deer?).
Did I mention yet that the 4 skeletons are standing in an #earlymodern library? #LibraryHistory
And the historian found a source that explains it: the library room is the "Theatrum Anatomicum" of the Altdorf university, and we see a bear, a burglar with a stick and his horse, and a deer. And the story goes that the burglar once terrorized a road near Altdorf, and he was always smoking his tobacco pipe and using his stick. And when he was finally caught, they killed him together with his horse.
@dbellingradt Nope, not the Theatrum Anatomicum, just the Bibliotheca publica Universitatis Altdorfinæ.
@dbellingradt Erst später kamen das Pferd des Winterkönigs, der Croate, der Bär und der Hirsch in die Anatomiekammer, s.
@dbellingradt Präpariert wurden die Skelette laut obigem Buch von
@dbellingradt Zum 1669 straffällig gewordenen Hirsch siehe "Um 1670 legte Philipp Jacob Tetzel in Engelthal einen Tiergarten, ein Wildgehege, an; dort wurde er 1669 durch eine Hirschangriff tödlich verletzt. [13]"